To The Right Of Rush

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Trying Not To Give Up

Being a Conservative, I'm doing my best not to find some heavy duty shower rod and start swinging from it. Nothing like having the politcal party that I thought was going to lead this country, go right into the pooper. Limbaugh was right the whole time when he kept repeating that this party had no idea how to lead when they had control. They had been in the minority for so long that they never knew how to us the power they had been entrusted with. Now they are back where they had been for so long--the minority.
Watching President Bush in his news conference yesterday, was like watching a kid tell his parents that his grades were bad. He seemed absolutley withdrawn and depressed. I found myself thinking the same thing I had been thinking for the last twelve years. Would someone in the Conservative ranks please grow a pair and take care of business. You were given the power, now use it!!
Sadly, I've accepted the fact that Conservatism has been dealt somewhat of a setback. However, Micheal Savage had some very interesting comments on his radio show that did bring some hope back into my spirit. Namely that the country voted very conservatively on important national issues in this election. In states that had issues from gay marriage, expanded gambling, and legalized drug use, the people spoke with conservative votes and rejected almost all these issues. That makes me think that if someone would enter the upcoming presidential elections with a geuine conservative agenda, and not be afraid to express said agenda, the nation might embrace that philosophy, and reign it back into power. I pray that to be so. The thought of an ultra-liberal like Hillary Clinton as our commander-and-chief is frightening to say the least.
I pray also that this election was the nation having a collective temper tantrum, and that '08 will be a return to a true Conservative agenda. This will happen if true Conservatives take control of the Republican Party and bring it back on the course laid out by one Ronald Reagan--the last true Conservative of our time.


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