What The @#$%& Just Happened?
I'm not a surgeon-I'll just play one for a minute. After having a hole cut into my body to remove a large growth, I asked my doctor about what drugs would be needed to speed my recovery. What I was really interested in was the pain killers after the novacain wore off. My doctor gave me something for infection, but nothing for pain. I didn't want him to forget my dilemma, so I reminded him again about the pain. He said I wouldn't even know it was there. The problem with that is I could tell we were not on the same page. He was talking about this time next month when the wound has healed--I'm talking about the next couple hours when the affected area wakes up only to ask, "What the @#!%& just happened?"
I appreciate all that doctors do. Heaven knows I could not even begin to do a fraction of the things that they do. I especially love to be within ear shot of them when they are breaking down someones intestinal tract. They handle sixty-four letter words with the same ease that I handle single syllable words. Yet, when it comes to simple explanations and answers to questions, I'm afraid they may be wound too high and lose sight of the obvious. This was another case of being so far into the forest, that you can't see the tree you keep running into.
I was told yesterday--aftr the fact--that I now know what it feels like to be shot. Thanks for that little piece of information. In the words of the great philospher Jim Rome, "If I never experience that again, it will still be too soon." Thankfully, my wife had some leftover Hydroc----eeerrrr----we got through the hardest part.
Doctors, please take just a second and breath. I realize that there isn't anything that would cause as much stress on a person than what you do. Your talents and sacrafices are commendable. But when you are through with a procedure, just stand back for one second and take inventory of the situation. See if there is anything that needs to be done to complete your job before moving on to the next patient who felt that they should have the first and only thing on your list. That way I wouldn't feel like I had been hunting with high ranking government officials.