To The Right Of Rush

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Netanyahu Rocks !!

Benjamin Netanyahu is a brilliant man. After seeing him again on Glenn Beck's television program, I was completely in awe at his insight into the world of terror. He has seen it from the front lines in Isreal, and has more wisdom than all the talking heads we have in our government. And his message to us was chilling, and I pray that we take heed to it.
Prime Minister Netanyahu could not emphasize enough the absolute danger the world is in if renegade regimes, like the one in Iran, get ahold of operational nuclear weapons. Knowing that they have an obsessive desire to aquire these weapons should be all the warning we need to sit up and take notice. Unlike countries like the U.S. that believe in diplomacy first, they want to have tangible power before negotiating. And unlike us, they will negotiate with deadly force, not friendly debates.
If I disagree with the former Prime Minister over anything, it would be his opinion that Isreal's destruction is only a minor detail in the eyes of the terrorists. Although I agree with Mr. Netanyahu's assessment that his countries elimination from the planet would be only a formality in a grander plan, it would be an incredible achievement for the terrorists. That has been their one constant goal since the beginning of time.
Please don't ge me wrong--I'm not blaming any of the the world's problems on the Jewish people. You may not find a stronger advocate for the Isreali's than the person behind this keyboard. The problem and fault lies squarely on the shoulders of the radical extremists who have had a lingering hatred for God's chosen people. The fact that the planet seems to be coming to boil over events in the Middle East is both frightening, and if you are a Christian, exciting. Frightening in the sense that no one wants to see another world war. No one who is sane that is.
It is also exciting if you understand the book of Revelation. When you can sit down and read the newspaper and the book of Revelation side-by-side, you see that they are getting closer and closer to each other everyday. And even though there is more that must happen before the return of the Lord, that return has never seemed more real than now.
That is why I was so impressed with the former Prime Minister's comments. He is not a believer in Christ, yet he speaks as if he is reading directly from the book of Revelation in his discriptions of coming events. He just doesn't see that Isreal is at the center of all that is happening in the world. He knows that if Isreal can be eliminated, that would start a catastrophic chain of events that will engulf the planet like nothing else ever has.
Let it be known that if Isreal feels threatened by Iran; or anyone else for that matter; she is not afraid to take the lead and deal with the problem. They have demonstrated that resolve before, and we as a nation can learn alot from that example. And we have an incredible opportunity to sieze the moment and bring peace through strength. Or we can squander this chance, like we have before, and lose even more credibility in the world.
Don't let anyone fool you with the arguement that we have lost our credibility in the world. The only thing we can lose through a strong presence in the world is the continuing threat to terror. And our true allies are hoping that we do show our strength and deal with the problem. Not just for our sake, but the world's. Our enemies will do anything in their power to discredit us in any way possible. For once, we must stand up and do what is right dispite of what the media world says. When Isreal has defended herself, she took some lumps on the world stage. But she also stuck to her guns and has weathered every critizism. We must do the same. It is that, or we will only have the freedom to worship Islam, and be ruled by tyrannical thugs. I may not be the biggest supporter of our President, but I'll take him over any head-chopping maniac any day of the week.
Once again, let me qualify my comments by saying this. I do understand that the overwhelming majority of Muslims do not support this radical takeover of their religion. That is the most devastating part of all of this. Like the Japanese people in World War 2 who were degraded and put in concentration camps, the peaceful Muslims are taking the brunt of the backlash in this conflict. The ultimate tragedy is when someone's religion is shamed because of someboby else's perverted view of said religion. Being a Christian, I know exactly how that feels. It sucks.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Don't Blame The USA

I'm getting a bit tired listening to people say that we (The U.S.) are the reason for all of the trouble in the world. Especially for the violence coming from the terrorists. Lest we forget that it was the terorists that brought their violence to our shores. It was the terrorists that destroyed three thousand innocent people. Destroyed planes and buildings. All for the sake of a very radical form of religion that does not recognize any other way of life but their own.
The part of this that is our fault is not recognizing the fact that these animals have been wanting to do this, and more, long ago. They have slowly, and methodically planned this out. The precision that September, 11 was carried out shows that they have thought this out well in advance. They were trying to get our attention by attempting to topple the Twin Towers in the early nineties. We knew then they wanted to perform mass murder. The terrorists blew up embassies, ships, planes, and other high value targets for years, and we kept turning a blind eye to it all. Only on 9/11 did we finally get the message. And even now we really don't see the big picture.
For all the people who say we should not be fighting this war, I want to know "why not?" The freaks we are fighting do not recognize compromise. They only want death to anybody who remotely support Isreal. I don't want to hear that it's because of our Hollywood-like lifestyles, or our wealth and power that they despise. The countries and regimes that support terror may not approve of our ways, but it's the strong ties to the Isreali people that they can't stomach.
When all the wrappings are taken off the package, and you finally see what is really inside their hatred for us, it is the relationship we have with Isreal they can't handle. Every hardline, radical Islamic regime wants nothing more than to finish the job that Hitler tried to do--the total extermination of the Jews. So why would a country that is smaller than some of Nebraska's state counties be the center of attention? One would have to go back into the Bible and study the prophecies concerning the Jewish people. Once you do this, you will understand why this is playing out the way it is.
God, through the prophets and through Jesus, said that Isreal would be a stumbling block for the entire world. God said that the Isrealites would lose their nation and be dispersed across the entire planet. God also said that the nation would be restored and that the Jews would come back to it once again. That happened after World War 2, and the world has never been the same. The United States became Isreal's closet ally, and the world has condemned us ever since. Many have tried to destroy the nation of Isreal, but God has remained faithful to his chosen people and delivered them from countless wars.
Now a new wave of violence has erupted against Isreal and those who stand in defense of her. It was said in the Bible that those who stand for God will be persecuted, and I believe that our defense of Isreal is the main reason for our persecution. I pray that we don't lose our resolve to stand with Isreal. I firmly believe that the main reason we enjoy the blessings we have today is because God is rewarding, and protecting us because of our support for the Jews. Heaven help us if we too, turn our back on Isreal. God will remove his hand from us and we will be totally vunerable to all of the attacks of the enemy.
You see, we didn't start this war. It has been brewing since the Biblical times. Only now has the USA been very involved in the fighting. The main combatants have been at this for centuries. Until they see the total distruction of the Jews, they will not rest. And thankfully, we already know through scripture that that will not happen. God will rise up and defend his people and restore peace throughout this world. Instead of emboldening the terrorists to attack us, I believe we are finally doing what should have been done long ago. Trying to put down the terrorists and bring stability to the world.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

In The Doghouse

I like what George Carlin asked long ago. "What do dogs do on their day off? They can't lay around--that's their job!!" I wonder what it would be like if that was my existence--doing nothing.
There are days when not much gets done, and deep down I may feel refreshed, but I'm miserable. Then you have days like today when I would give my left big toe to do nothing, but have no chance but go make the mortgage.
I look at my dog who really doesn't give a rip either way. Just feed me, water me, take me out to do my stuff, then give me all your attention in the interim. Not a bad gig if you ask me. Of course that can of life has it's drawbacks. The occasional shot of toilet water versus the occasional shot of Jack Daniels. Not really having any sense of taste and being able to fully enjoy lobster.
Then there are the people who look at you and like morons. Especially when they raise their voice about two octaves and tell you how cute you are. They beg you to come over to them; all the time hoping you don't bite their finger off. And of course, you have people always wanting to rub your belly. I tried rubbing a woman's chest once and got slapped.
Then there is the intelligence part of this equation. I tell my dog to go outside, and she is usually there ready to go. I tell my dog to sit, and she knows it's time to be still. I tell my son to do something, and he burps-farts, and goes to the next level of the nintendo game.
The one thing my dog has over me that I envy tremendously right now is the ability to rest through a major head cold. If I had my drothers I would be in bed for the next two days doing nothing but watching ESPN Classic, and the Weather Channel. Instead, I get to spread my misery to the world so I can make enough money to pay the bills, and get my dog some new doggie treats.
As in the words of that great philosopher George Thoroughgood--"Move nice dog. The mean ole dog is moving in".

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Circuit Cities

While flying into Dallas today, I got to observe one of the most interesting things I have noticed. When you fly into a large city, look out the window--especially if you get to fly over industrial tracts. Tell me that is doesn't look like a computer chip board. With the buildings and parking areas layed out as they are, it looks just like a computer board. Then when you fly over a neighborhood, it still looks like a circuit board. I can't help but wonder if they weren't patterned in the same way we pattern out neighborhoods. The similarity is scary.
I love to fly-even with my fear of heights. I guess when you are at 30,000 feet, not much matters. If something happens, you really don't have anything to say about it. Not that that is the way I want to go. The fright of knowing you are going to "bite it" on the way down is incomprehensible, but you don't have a choice. It's like saying that it's hot when it is a hundred degrees out side. After ninety degrees, it just doesn't matter any more.
Still, I like the perspective you get when you're cruising at 40,000 feet. You suddenly realize how insignificant you really are when you look at the planet from that altitude. The fact that we can achieve such altitudes with machines that weigh as much as they do is truly a gift from God. I know my fat butt can't stay aloft, so to think that something that weighs as much as a Steiner can fly is truly the Lord. Another profession I admire--Pilots.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Occupational Hazards

I often wonder about the jobs that some of the people I know do. I know a lot of people in the airline industry, and have seen the abuse that they take. Yet they have the uncanny ability to just smile and take care of you. I've seen passengers just absolutely explode on these people, and they take it. The hardest part for me to comprehend is that they know that if one person is upset, chances are good that the next fifty people are even more angry. It just seems to escalate. And still they smile and move on to the next problem. I know that they have a gift from God that I don't have--patience. I would probably handle the first person with minimal emotion. The second time I would be sweating profusely and biting my tongue. The third irate person would have me coming over the counter with ballbat in hand. Follow that with a lawsuit and a straight jacket. And heaven forbid your airline loses someone's luggage. That brings out the best in everyone. You show me a happy passenger with lost luggage, and I'll show you a disinterrested virgin in a strip bar.
Then there are the people who work in health care. Namely nurses who work in long term care facilities (and/or Old Folk's Homes). These saints have another gift I was passed over for--tolerance. These folks are dealing with people who have depleted faculties, and need constant attention. Wiping my kid's butts when they were young was one thing. Watching these workers wipe an old man's tush is quite another experience. If I get to point where I can't take care of my own basic needs, then just shoot me and put me out of everyone else's misery. Some things I could do just for the sake of a pay check--this is not one of those things. You couldn't print enough money to make me do this. God Bless you folks who do this. You completely redefine the term "Labor of Love".
Auto mechanics are another group I admire. I know just enough about a car to be dangerous. Just ask my mechanic. I can get to spark plugs. After that, I better have someone there who can keep me from destroying a perfectly fine vehicle. I listen to guys talk about the gear ratio in there restored Camaros. Then there are the racing cams that were put in to another guy's Vette. All I can do is stand there, nod my head in approval, and pretend to act like I even have a remote clue to the subject. I know more about the inner workings of sub-atomic particles than I do the proper torgue of the top bolt of the head gasket. Just know that chances are good that these guys lost me at "Let's see what's under the hood".
If you are in any of these occupations, just know that you have my deepest appreciation. Hopefully I'm good at something that you may need and we can enjoy each other's talents.

Little Piles

Why have we made stars out of poker players. When ESPN, Fox Sports, Travel Network, etc..., make these folks entertaining, we are showing just how desparate we are for something new.
If you don't like the weather--move!! I have to give George Carlin credit for that one, but it is so true. Don't complain about the heat if you chose to move to Phoenix.
Band Wagon fans suck. I have always been a fan of the Denver Broncos. That means that I've been the world's happiest camper, and the most pissed off person on the planet all in a week. I have to admit that it has been an explosive love affair, but I'm still there. My point, find something you Love, and stick with it.
Memo to Oakland Raider fans--they suck.
What kind of person must you be to live in space? I think about those who are on the International Space Station and try to envision what life must be like in such a confined enviroment. Granted, the view must rock, but is it really worth it?
Can a human be conceived in space? Developing in the womb in zero gravity--would that make a difference?
Political correctness will kill this nation.
More to come later.

Can someone please tell me why we are still bogged down in the Gulf Region like we are? Don't get me wrong-I know the answer. But I would like to give the answer by asking a few more questions.
Who has the most advanced weaponry on the planet? The United States. Who has the most firepower? Again, the Unites States. Who has the best soldiers this world has ever known? The good ol' U.S.of A. Who does the least with the most? Here's where it starts getting painful--those running a war from offices on the other side of the planet from where the war is being waged. Who gets the most from the least? Those waiting for countless virgins following their "glorious" martardom. What gets the most mileage--our successes on and off the battlefield--or said martar cowardly blowing up themselves and whoever else they can take with them? Score one more for the enemy. Who seems to be losing their stomach for victory? Oops-that hurt. Do you see where I'm going here? Something must be said for our growing lack of resolve.
Does anyone remember who started this war? Do you remember what you were doing when nineteen ultra-radicals changed everything? Have we become so complacent again that it doesn't matter that we were attacked? When you have an enemy that doesn't give a rat's ass about innocent lives; let alone their own; you had better get your head out of your back-side and start smelling the coffee again. This is WAR!! And not just any war. This is a war that has no boundaries. This isn't for territory. This is for control of the planet. This is a group of radicals who have hijacked an entire belief system and have embarked on a quest for absolute domination. Face it folks--this is World War 3!!
But back to my original thought. Why has this war become a beast of burden? For starters, it was mishandled from the start. I have always said that President Bush had world-wide Carte Blanche for the first four-to-five months following 9-11. He could have used any weapon at his disposal, and no one would've said anything about it. In fact, I'm convinced that the world was expecting it. But by being laid back and not striking when he had the chance, the President only empowered our enemies more and more each day. By the time the war actually started, our enemies were firmly entrenched and prepared for what was coming. That minimized the loses for our enemy, and left them with something they could work with. If we truly have the military machine we claim to have, we can put a stop to much of this insanity and keep it relatively subdued. Does that mean something nuclear? Well, lets look at history.
President Harry Truman had the most unbelievable decision to make. Do we want to continue with a war that could go on for years, or do we cripple the enemy in a way that overwhelms them and end the conflict? Two atomic bombs later, the war was over and the reconstruction began. Imagine how enormous that decision was, and how the President must have felt when the smoke cleared and he saw the devestation it caused. But we had the capability to bring our enemy to their knees, and the backbone to do it. That same backbone and resolve seem to be missing in our current global war, and I fear that it will only get worse.
No one in their right mind wants this to get nuclear, but we must ask what will it take to cripple our enemy to the point where they can not continue to wage war? That's difficult to say because of their disregard for life. But once again this is WAR! We must allow our fighting men and women to have the ability to wage war affectively. When we put constraints on them because we may hurt our enemies feelings, or the tools of war we have at our disposal may be too violent, then we are playing right into the hand of the enemy. We must give our soldiers whatever they need to win this war as quickly and decisively as possible. And if we are truly as powerful as we say we are, we can and must do this. To say that we support our troops, but not give them what they need for an overwhelming victory, is hipocrosy. If you want our troops to come home, then let them wage war in an overwhelming fashion.
Previous Presidents--both Repulblican and Democrat--and even a Bush--tried to take a diplomatic tact when dealing with terrorists and their organizations. It took a painful lesson on Sept. 11, 2001, to make us realize that you cannot negoiate or compromise with sick monsters. Anyone who thinks you can talk peacefully with these animals is blissfully ignorant. I hope it doesn't take another brutal attack on our shores to get everyone's attention again. I pray we don't take this enemy too lightly. They want nothing more than to give everyone the choice of bowing down toward Mecca five times a day, or having your head sawed off. That will be the only decision you can make if they succeed. A far cry from the freedom to worship we enjoy today.
May God watch over those who are watching over us. To every soldier out there-Thank You. God Speed!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Is Blogging Really Therapy??

Being a virgin to blogging until about eight hours ago, I discovered something that was quite amazing. Dispite my depression brought on by the Republicans dismal performance both at the polls, and as a party in general, I felt rather refreshed after voicing my displeasure in my inaugural blog. I would be interested if this is a natural phenomenon, or do I just take some things way too seriously?
I'm interested to see if the same can be true when my favorite football team-the Denver Broncos-get kicked in the teeth. I know that the mood around the homestead gets rather grim when events like that happen. It is my hope (not to mention my wifes also) that I may have stumbled upon something that will eleviate my pain during these times. Again-am I he only one who has had ths experience?
Blogging is something that I really never thought that I would do. But this actually kinda fun. I am open to real, honest debate on any subject-political, sports, faith, why lobster is better than steak, etc...

Trying Not To Give Up

Being a Conservative, I'm doing my best not to find some heavy duty shower rod and start swinging from it. Nothing like having the politcal party that I thought was going to lead this country, go right into the pooper. Limbaugh was right the whole time when he kept repeating that this party had no idea how to lead when they had control. They had been in the minority for so long that they never knew how to us the power they had been entrusted with. Now they are back where they had been for so long--the minority.
Watching President Bush in his news conference yesterday, was like watching a kid tell his parents that his grades were bad. He seemed absolutley withdrawn and depressed. I found myself thinking the same thing I had been thinking for the last twelve years. Would someone in the Conservative ranks please grow a pair and take care of business. You were given the power, now use it!!
Sadly, I've accepted the fact that Conservatism has been dealt somewhat of a setback. However, Micheal Savage had some very interesting comments on his radio show that did bring some hope back into my spirit. Namely that the country voted very conservatively on important national issues in this election. In states that had issues from gay marriage, expanded gambling, and legalized drug use, the people spoke with conservative votes and rejected almost all these issues. That makes me think that if someone would enter the upcoming presidential elections with a geuine conservative agenda, and not be afraid to express said agenda, the nation might embrace that philosophy, and reign it back into power. I pray that to be so. The thought of an ultra-liberal like Hillary Clinton as our commander-and-chief is frightening to say the least.
I pray also that this election was the nation having a collective temper tantrum, and that '08 will be a return to a true Conservative agenda. This will happen if true Conservatives take control of the Republican Party and bring it back on the course laid out by one Ronald Reagan--the last true Conservative of our time.