Netanyahu Rocks !!
Benjamin Netanyahu is a brilliant man. After seeing him again on Glenn Beck's television program, I was completely in awe at his insight into the world of terror. He has seen it from the front lines in Isreal, and has more wisdom than all the talking heads we have in our government. And his message to us was chilling, and I pray that we take heed to it.
Prime Minister Netanyahu could not emphasize enough the absolute danger the world is in if renegade regimes, like the one in Iran, get ahold of operational nuclear weapons. Knowing that they have an obsessive desire to aquire these weapons should be all the warning we need to sit up and take notice. Unlike countries like the U.S. that believe in diplomacy first, they want to have tangible power before negotiating. And unlike us, they will negotiate with deadly force, not friendly debates.
If I disagree with the former Prime Minister over anything, it would be his opinion that Isreal's destruction is only a minor detail in the eyes of the terrorists. Although I agree with Mr. Netanyahu's assessment that his countries elimination from the planet would be only a formality in a grander plan, it would be an incredible achievement for the terrorists. That has been their one constant goal since the beginning of time.
Please don't ge me wrong--I'm not blaming any of the the world's problems on the Jewish people. You may not find a stronger advocate for the Isreali's than the person behind this keyboard. The problem and fault lies squarely on the shoulders of the radical extremists who have had a lingering hatred for God's chosen people. The fact that the planet seems to be coming to boil over events in the Middle East is both frightening, and if you are a Christian, exciting. Frightening in the sense that no one wants to see another world war. No one who is sane that is.
It is also exciting if you understand the book of Revelation. When you can sit down and read the newspaper and the book of Revelation side-by-side, you see that they are getting closer and closer to each other everyday. And even though there is more that must happen before the return of the Lord, that return has never seemed more real than now.
That is why I was so impressed with the former Prime Minister's comments. He is not a believer in Christ, yet he speaks as if he is reading directly from the book of Revelation in his discriptions of coming events. He just doesn't see that Isreal is at the center of all that is happening in the world. He knows that if Isreal can be eliminated, that would start a catastrophic chain of events that will engulf the planet like nothing else ever has.
Let it be known that if Isreal feels threatened by Iran; or anyone else for that matter; she is not afraid to take the lead and deal with the problem. They have demonstrated that resolve before, and we as a nation can learn alot from that example. And we have an incredible opportunity to sieze the moment and bring peace through strength. Or we can squander this chance, like we have before, and lose even more credibility in the world.
Don't let anyone fool you with the arguement that we have lost our credibility in the world. The only thing we can lose through a strong presence in the world is the continuing threat to terror. And our true allies are hoping that we do show our strength and deal with the problem. Not just for our sake, but the world's. Our enemies will do anything in their power to discredit us in any way possible. For once, we must stand up and do what is right dispite of what the media world says. When Isreal has defended herself, she took some lumps on the world stage. But she also stuck to her guns and has weathered every critizism. We must do the same. It is that, or we will only have the freedom to worship Islam, and be ruled by tyrannical thugs. I may not be the biggest supporter of our President, but I'll take him over any head-chopping maniac any day of the week.
Once again, let me qualify my comments by saying this. I do understand that the overwhelming majority of Muslims do not support this radical takeover of their religion. That is the most devastating part of all of this. Like the Japanese people in World War 2 who were degraded and put in concentration camps, the peaceful Muslims are taking the brunt of the backlash in this conflict. The ultimate tragedy is when someone's religion is shamed because of someboby else's perverted view of said religion. Being a Christian, I know exactly how that feels. It sucks.